Monday 10 November 2014

No more posts!

We have not posted for months so this is a bit late but just to say this blog is not in use any more so yeah sorry no more posts

Sunday 3 August 2014

Forgotten Desert!

Hey Jammers, Topaz here
By now, most of you have played the forgotten desert right? It's great! You get free stuff for collecting 'gem shards' and there's a good chance to get betas and rares! Well, because of all of this, a lot of betas are becoming less valuable by the minute and the people who earned their betas through trading don't get back what they traded for it. Though it's not like they're going to delete it, so it isn't going to change. But luckily, the betas you can get in forgotten desert are only a small fraction of every single beta, so there are those if you do happen to get them.

The forgotten desert is great, but it has ruined a lot of peoples' hard work and effort to trade for these things. I'd say, maybe hold back a bit on playing that particular adventure. Oh yeah, the rares? Everybody loves rares, but most of these are RIMs,  so it doesn't matter as much.
Anyway, random post
(I had to do it quick so excuse me.)
Topaz out! (^•^)/

Saturday 2 August 2014

Mammoth Tusks

Okay, it's Emerald, and yes, I know, we've not been posting much! I'm sorry about this but nearly all of us have been sick recently, and there hasn't been much time!
All right, today's new item is the Mammoth Tusks! I like this item because it means you can turn your elephant in a big, hairy, extinct animal!

This is a members only item available from Jam Mart Clothing, costing 750 gems! That's all for today but I promise that we will be doing more posts from now on! Emerald out!

Thursday 31 July 2014

Epic Antlers

Hi Jammers, Emerald here for today's new item! It's the Epic Antlers, available from Epic Wonders for 1500 gems!

In other news, soon me and the other posters on this blog will be getting signatures! I'm asking another blogger to make them for us cuz to tell the truth, when it comes to those things I'm a bit of noob!

Thursday 24 July 2014

A few small things...

Just a quick post about (as the title states) a few small things. 
First, here is is a picture of the Grill, the new item in Jam Mart Furniture.

And there is a new item in the Tree-Top Store in Sarepia Forest:

Well, I expect that a fence made of cactuses would do well at keeping people out of your property...
The Cactus Fence costs 300 gems and comes with and without flowers.

Finally here is the prize guide for In Too Deep in Hard Mode:

There you go! Emerald out!

Wednesday 23 July 2014

More Update News!

Great to see you back Jammers, it's Emerald again with some more news about the update!
First is clothes. Now a Jam Mart Clothing you can buy the Candy Necklace for 350 gems. It's an okay item really:

Next is the Ribbon Scarf, which I told you about in the last post. It was the winner of the Accessory Competition. It's quite a pretty thing but looks best on particular animals. It costs 500 gems.

Okay, time for den items. There's only one new one, not including ones from the BETA PARTY(!!!). It's the grill, which looks more like a small barbecue. I couldn't get a picture for this sorry :(

And also there are new loading pages. Some have octopi, some have dolphins and sharks, some 
horses and some rhinos. And as well as some other small things, AJHQ has finally added a 'Clear Den' icon to the den edit mode! YAY! Thank you AJHQ!

Well, that's all the update news for now, but we'll be back soon so see you then!

Beta Debater

Hello Jammers!
It's Topaz here to debate over which is rarer, Cami's Frog or The Art Easel.
Well, before we start, I would like to say that Cami's Frog is probably my favourite beta. I think this because it has a story, a good story to be more specific. For all you guys who haven't heard the story or need a refresher, here it is:
  Cami's Frog has an interesting story behind the item. It was made because a girl was diagnosed with Leukemia. Before Cami was even born, her dad, Pat, picked out a frog plushie for her, and Cami named it Froggy. Cami slept with Froggy every night! Pat worked for Smart Bomb, and made Cami's Frog an actual item in Animal Jam, and now it's quite rare. Anyways, Cami took Froggy everywhere she went, even to the hospital! The last 6 weeks, when Cami was in the hospital, Froggy was used as a pillow and thrown across the room in a steroid rage. But Cami's family also threw a big party for Froggy. The family even played pin the fly on the Froggy! I'm not sure if she died of cancer or not. 

(I don't own this I got it from another blog)

So that's the story! Here is what it's worth, or at least my opinion:

Fish Fountain 

Some Bongos + another rare 
2 Gecko Banners
Rare Cloud 
Rare Spike Wristband
Art Easel
Rare Claw
Crocodile Sidekix Plushie
AJHQ Plaque

So now, onto the art easel.
The art easel doesn't have as much story as Cami's frog does, to be honest I'm not sure if it even HAS a story. Also, it isn't very popular due to it being fairly coveted. I reckon that it is worth these items:

a non-rare Worn Blanket (certain colours)
a Raspberry Bow and Arrows
a Pirate Sword (certain colours)
another good BETA (such as a BETA Tiara)

Well, I guess anyone here can figure out that Cami's Frog is rarer than the Art Easel, probably due to the back-story and popularity of Cami's Frog. But hey, it's just a matter of opinion!
Until next time jammers,
Topaz out!


OMG JAMMERS! It's Emerald here to tell you about the amazing new update on Animal Jam! It involves so many cool new things! First of all is my favourite part, the BETA PARTY! When you go there you find yourself in the beta den. And guess what? There's even a store to buy some not-so-well-known beta den items! Check it out when you can!

Next are pet Rhinos, available from the Diamond Shop for 3 diamonds. They are SO cute, probably one of the cutest things in Animal Jam!

Adorable! Now, also in the Jamaa Journal it says that a new animal is coming...

...and that clues are scatters through the edition...
If you look at the top of each page you'll see letters... 
...and these letters spell...
OMG I can't wait! I'm a bit worried that they're going to be Diamond Shop animals... But surely AJHQ wouldn't be THAT mean...
Btw, the winner of the accessory completion had been announced, the Ribbon Scarf has come to Jamaa! Nice one, I like this item. That's all for now but keep looking for our next post and Item Spotlight! Emerald Out!

Circular Chair and AJ Guide

Hey Jammers! Emerald here! The new item today is the Circular Chair! It comes in different patterns as well as the usual colours. I'm glad that a small chair has come out to replace that poor old Small Armchair!

In other exiting news, the AJ Insiders Guide is finally out! I'm ordering one off Amazon as soon as I can!

That's all for now, see you soon for another post!

Recommendations! •3•

Topaz here!
So, I have decided to, every now and then, say some recommendations for things. They will be set up like this:

One animal jam thing
One unrelated, cool thing
One funny thing

So, to start off, here is the first one! Enjoy!


(With all the links, just copy and paste them into the search bar >•-•>)

Here is a really good animal jam app I'd like to mention. It's super helpful in that you can get gems without having to go to much trouble. It costs money, but it's worth it in the end. Here's a link to the website:

A video that I suggest you watch is this one. It's two guys doing improvised impressions whilst singing to Iggy Azalea's 'I'm so Fancy'. The other guy holds up a card with a particular person/character written on it for the other to impersonate. Enjoy!

(Btw, the actual website is made by two youtubers who happen to swear a lot. I suggest you just watch this video and don't explore the other videos and articles. I had a look and to be honest, I probably should have just watched this and nothing else.)

And last, but not least, a cat meme. What were you expecting? An actual joke? Ooh... That's funny.
Anyway, to the point. This is basically every dad in the universe, wanting to share the pleasure with his family. 'How do you know this?' You ask, well, I know from personal experience. My dad has a boat. As much as I love him (I love him soooooooooooooo much!) I really don't love the boat. Anyway, here we go! (I wuv you dadeh!)


Well, I hope you enjoyed all that! Geez... So much to find that's funny, cool and AJ related! Whatever! I'll do it!

Pearl? Who dat?!

Hey guys!
Topaz here!
There may or may not be another evil gem! You know how Citrine turned bad right? Well, there is rumour that another gem (who isn't a real gem, like Citrine is a mineral) is here. I talked with some koalas who hang around near that top platform in Sarepia Forest and they said that their friend hadn't responded to any jamagrams that they'd sent. They went to their dens to figure out what was wrong. What they saw terrified them! The koalas were in the corner of their den, shaking and when questioned, they had feathered masks on, and then turned around silently. Then they faded away, their spirits seen floating to the skies above. Due to the popularity of the feathered masks, causing evil with them would be a smart choice. I dug around the Chamber of Knowledge and I found out some notes from the Alphas. They said, I quote,

After months of research, The Sisters have finally been summoned. There was one more than we would have expected. We were surprised at first with the appearance of Citrine, but now with this other one... I can't ever tell the other Alphas or The Sisters about her. Her force is too strong and evil, thus I must banish her whilst the whole of Jamaa are safe and sound.

She's gone.
Finally she has been banished from Jamaa. But I have a feeling that she may come back. Her evil is so strong that The Yellow Elephant would be ashamed. If the evil beast found her and joined her, along with Citrine and The Elephant's power, the protective power of the Sisters would be disrupted and Jamaa would fall under the control of The Yellow Elephant and the corrupted Sisters. It' said horrible thought, I know, but us Alphas can never be sure. We have to always be on our guard. Oh, right, the sister. Her name... Is Pearl...

So please, watch out, for she has an unknown power that could engulf the land of Jamaa into chaos caused by two corrupted sisters and an angered spirit.
We can't let this happen to any more animals.
Only the eternal form can save us now.
Save us,
From Pearl...

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Sorreh ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

Hey guys!
It's Topaz here.
I just wanted to point out that not too long ago, I posted saying that I was going to do a weekly art segment. Well, I have to get a particular app so I can post personal photos so there won't be any art for a while, okay? Sorry for the delay! (^-^)

Monday 21 July 2014

Rare Nautilus Necklace

Hi there Jammers it's Emerald again with today's post!
Today's RIM is the Rare Nautilus Necklace, only available underwater! Tricksy AJHQ making it and Underwater Item. I really like this item because it looks really nice!

Alright, I got to go now, it's getting late!

Stegosaurus Armour and Tail

Hey guys, Emerald here and guess what? Stegosaurus Armour is finally back at the Summer Carnival! I'm so happy, I was worried that it wasn't going to make a return! Both are sold for 2500 and come in many colours!

Emerald out!

Sparkly Boa

Hey Jammers! Sorry for the late post, but I've been really busy with schoolwork! Today's glittering item is the Sparkly Boa! I love this clothing piece available from Jam Mart Clothing for 450 gems!

In other news, we are now taking suggestions for the Item Spotlight! If there's an item you'd like us to cover, then send it in at

Ant Farm

Hi Jammers, this is Sapphire and this is my first post on this blog!
Today's item is the Ant Farm! I love this cool den decoration because it reminds me of keeping ant farms when I was a little kid. I also love how the little ants go scurrying around inside, even though they look more like little black dots!

I will be posting the next Item Spotlight so keep watch for that!
Sapphire out!

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Hi this is Garnet

Hi guys! This is Garnet! I am really glad that we have had so many people come and check out our blog! Thank you so much for coming on to our blog. Soooooooo yeah Bye guys

Scented Candle

Hey Jammers! Emerald with today's news! The new item today is the beautiful and sweet-smelling scented candle! Although it comes in only one colour, it comes in lots of cool designs with different scents coming up off it! Wow! I love it!

Pizza Hat

Hi Jammers! Emerald here for a quick post! Today's foodie item is the pizza-rific Pizza Hat! I've found with this item that if you make your animal yellow with red dots you can really match this fabulous accessory!
Wait a second, it comes in GREEN!? Should I be worried about this? Hmm, maybe not, I mean, it is just a game! This item is available from the Summer Carnival for 875 tickets!

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Skullies Continued

Earlier, you may have seen a post by Emerald about someone having a skully in their inventory. Well, I dug a little deeper, and I found some info on it. I don't want to spoil too much, but I will make a small segment about skullies. Here is the original picture.

Strange, isn't it? Well, to start off the segment here is something I found while exploring some other blogs. I was looking through the comments and right at the bottom, I found a comment saying the reasoning behind this. Here it is:
  1. Yes! Skullies have returned, they were hacked in by someone called Vizual, and instead of calling them Skullies, he called them Skullys to stop AJHQ finding out :3


    Well, that is a very useful piece of info! From there, we can figure out that it definitely is a hack. As he says, the person who hacked it is called Vizual, I will search him/her up. Many of you have most likely heard of  Fman122 and RecycledBeards, but my theory is that Fman122 was a myth created by Fman himself to make everyone focus on a fake account and he has a lesser-known account to work with. It may also be the same with RecycledBeards as it has been found out, yet a little lesser known than Fman, people do know about him. So, I have concluded that he does have an account and someone has noticed and told people. If you know anything, please tell me, as I will try and feature it in this segment.
    Well, until next time
    Topaz out!

Monday 14 July 2014

Rare Spiked Mowhawk

Hey Jammers, Emerald here and today's RIM is the Rare Spiked Mowhawk! Wow, this item is pretty bright and colouful, perhaps not quite my style, but I bought it anyway!

Located on the 3rd page of Jam Mart Clothing for 900 gems, make sure you go and get one now before it's too late!

Summer Umbrella Hat

Hi they Jammers, Emerald here! Today's cool item is the Summer Umbrella Hat, available at the Summer Carnival for 1000 tickets!

Comment call: Do you think Summer Carnival items are overpriced? Why or why not? Leave your opinions below!

Announcement of weekly random art!

Hey Jammers!

How are you? I just wanted to say that once a week, I am going to post a piece of AJ-related art on this blog. It could be a fan art of a famous jammer, (or random jammers I guess) it could be a picture of a random animal wearing the latest outfit, or it could just be a random drawing of, as I said, an AJ-related thing. So watch out for any new additions to this segment, but for now, Topaz out!


Sunday 13 July 2014

Story of the Fox Sisters!

Hey, Topaz here!
I just decided to tell you the story of us sister foxes and how we came to be. There are many other parts of the story that i will post later, but for now, here is the main story. So grab a packet of chips, a comfy chair, and get ready for...




When Mira was a small child, her mother gave her a necklace with nine different gems on it, an opal, a garnet, a topaz, a citrine, an emerald, a sapphire, an amethyst, a rose quartz and a black pearl. As the years passed on, Mira grew closer and closer to the necklace. What Mira didn't know was that there were eight souls within the gems. they watched every moment of Mira's life, from when she first received the necklace to when Zios died. They saw the phantoms come to life and terrorize all of Jamaa. But one day... all was changed for the souls inside the necklace. The moment Mira vanished, a bright light enveloped the souls and put them into a deep sleep.


Yep, i'm trolling you! :3
please tell me if you like it and want to hear more in the comments below, but until next time, Topaz out!

Saturday 12 July 2014

Diamond Tiara, New AJ App and Skully!

Today's new item is the cool Diamond Tiara. Like the Diamond Crown, this hat is not on sale for some reason. Maybe it doesn't count with new item...

Also, are you exited about the new AJ app? It looks cool, 3D and beta all in one! I personally can't wait! I wonder what other new features it will have!

When on another blog I found this pic posted in a comment of a jammer with a skully! Skullies were items banned because they looked innapropriate on pandas. Here is the pic:

  • And remeber, this can't be an old picture because you can see the den in the background is a Crystal Palace! Weird! I wonder if its a sort of glitch...